Having your projects on our platform is great but SiROP offers you something even better. With SiROP it is possible to integrate your published projects on your website.

The published projects can automatically be transferred to the groups or institutes official webpage.

SiROP offers standard data formats to exchange project feeds with your website. The provided RSS/Atom, JSON or iFrames are formats supported by almost any type of web-CMS: When you publish new projects on SiROP, it will automatically update the content of your own website. 

You and your web administrator will safe time and your website is always up to date! 

Integrate your project feed

In order to create a feed, your group must have published projects. To learn how to publish projects you can read the Publish a new opportunity article
After you published at least one project or you are part of an Institute where you wish to display all the related projects, request your group's (or institutes) feed-URL at info@sirop.org

As soon as you have the feed-URL, edit your website and  locate the "RSS reader" module (ETH webpages), copy-paste the feed-URL and publish the page.