Here you can find Frequently asked Questions, which will be regularly extended.

Why is publishing on SiROP free?

Universities and institutes who joined the SiROP network signed a contract. Therefore researchers and students of these institutions can use SiROP freely and we do not have to display ads. 

What projects can be published on SiROP?

Everything from semester projects, bachelor and master theses to internships from an academical organization. 

Jobs and PhD positions should not be published on SiROP.

If you are from a company and wish to publish a project please read below.

Do I need an affiliation to search & apply for projects?

No! Most of the projects are visible for everyone but there are some projects that are only visible for members of a certain university or field of study. To be sure to not miss anything you might want to affiliate yourself. If you used the university login from one of the partner universities you are automatically registered as a member of it.

My university is not part of SiROP can I still access the platform?

Yes! You can still create an account, search and apply for projects, you might not see every opportunity though. 

The SSO does not work why?

You're university might not be part of the network or there is a bug. 
But no worries. In this case just use the registration form to create an account with your email a password. If you wish to login and you forgot your password, use the forgot password function.

My company wishes to publish projects on SiROP is this possible?

NO! Not on SiROP academics..but you can publish your projects at The there published project will be found the same way as the projects published on

If you have any questions please contact us

Do I need an affiliation to publish projects?

Yes! You need to be affiliated as a publisher with your institute/laboratory ect. to be able to publish projects. Read this article to get more informations : Publish an opportunity

Do I need to log in to search for projects?

No. But there are some projects that are only visible for members of a certain university or field of study, and you might not be able to apply.

I can't see all of the projects, why?

Publisher do have the possibility to restrict a projects visibility. You might not be part of the required organization.

How can we (as University/Institute) be part of SiROP?

You wish to be part of the network? Please get in contact with us!