Manage the state of an opportunity

Manage an opportunity means here you can change every setting that has nothing to do with the content of the opportunity.
To manage your opportunity click on the manage icon.

Below the status and copy settings you can find the general information and statistics of your opportunity

An opportunity can be in six different statuses:

  1. Draft: 
    This opportunity has been saved as a draft and never been published so far. It is not     searchable/visible.

  2. Published: 
    The opportunity is open and published. It can be searched and viewed with respect to the set visibility. Published opportunities appear in SiROP feeds.

  3. Not published: 
    The opportunity enters this state automatically when the end of the publishing period has been reached. In this state it is hidden from any SiROP feeds. It is not searchable in SiROP but accessible with a direct link and may be discoverable via Google.

  4. Taken:
    This status can be used to show SiROP feeds with “taken” or “ongoing” opportunities. It means it is currently worked on by a student. This might be favorable if you wish to show what other opportunities you have but are currently not open to apply. These projects are not searchable in SiROP but accessible with a direct link and may discoverable via Google.

  5. Completed:
    This status can be used to show SiROP feeds with a portfolio of “completed” or “concluded” opportunities if required by the publishing group. It is not searchable in SiROP but accessible with a direct link and may discoverable via Google.
    Choosing this status will set 
    write-protection for the opportunity.

  6. Archived/Hidden:
    An archived opportunity is hidden, not searchable, not visible with a direct link and not discoverable via Google.

Here you also have the possibility to create a copy of your opportunity. This might be helpful if you don't want to change the original one but rather create a similar opportunity with changed content or release dates.

The publication settings allows you to depublish or publish your opportunity immediately. The button is switching between the status publish now and depublish now depending on the status of the opportunity.

By editing publication periods, you'll be able to set a date for automated switching between publishing and depublishing.

As well as when you created the opportunity the first time, you can also change the visibility settings of your project and which students can apply for it. 

See: visibility settings

Further you can find your pending task like approval of an opportunity in the role of a host.


EVERY TIME you switch between published and another status, an email will be sent to interested students. So please be aware that multiple switching will lead to multiple email sent to those students.